Monday, April 8, 2013

Closing My Eyes to See

[excerpt from a journal entry dated 3/28/13]

   One gorgeous Spring day calls for another.

I love Spring! I live for the beautiful, sunny, warm (with a light breeze), blue skies. I love waking up to the birds chirping gleefully and melodically. I love seeing the brightness of vibrant and varied colors seen through the trees, flowers, grass, and - everything that Spring brings. Honestly, it appears that the mountains reach higher towards the heavens as do the trees, and all living creatures are happier on lovely sunny, sweet days like this...

Now, if only moving preparations weren't robbing me of my sanity, and my ability to think clearly. It's as if I'm running in a wind tunnel. I am expending a considerable amount of energy but not really getting anywhere, all the while my hair and clothes are disheveled and I can hardly catch my breath. Everyone around me must think I've lost my mind. Who knows, perhaps I have...

Interestingly, everything about "the move" is a Catch 22, as it were... which is mildly comical. It's still the right decision, I believe. It's just not "straight shot", or "smooth sailing", rather, however, most scenarios in life aren't one slick, seamless process. And, as the scriptures and prophets say - there's opposition in all things. Oh! Suddenly, I am reminded of something Jeffrey R. Holland once said; if you have prayed about it, and received confirmation - keep the course. (This is, of course, paraphrased).

If only these "Catch 22s" didn't perplex me in such a way that I doubt myself.

I need to mediate.

Where's my Tranquility CD or my Reiki CD?

Seriously, who did I lend those to...?

I need to find a lovely, quiet, soothing spot, play one of those CDs, and sit in the warm sun, with my eyes closed - and really endeavor to listen to specific instructions Heavenly Father has for me in this situation.

It's interesting that I feel the need to close my eyes to have my eyes opened, and thus be able to see every aspect of "the move" (and what exactly to do) more clearly. 

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